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Haihui Environmental Protection Equipment Company organizes a safety month knowledge competition activity

Haihui Environmental Protection Equipment Company organizes a safety month knowledge competition activity


In order to deeply implement the relevant requirements of the group's "Safety Production Month", further enhance the safety production awareness and self-protection ability of employees, and firmly establish the concept of safety development, on the morning of June 14th, the Youth League Branch of Haihui Environmental Protection Equipment Company, in conjunction with the Safety Production Department, organized a safety knowledge competition activity with the theme of "Everyone talks about safety, everyone meets emergency - unobstructed life channels".

This event went from promotion to organization, with each department carefully selecting and preparing for the competition. Finally, six teams were selected to participate, with three players selected from each team. The competition covers safety knowledge and production technology, safety laws and regulations, safety responsibility system, safety operating procedures, and other content in daily homework processes. It is divided into four forms: mandatory questions, quizzes, risk questions, and audience interaction questions. The atmosphere at the competition was lively, and the contestants were full of energy and confidence. During the question answering session, everyone calmly responded and actively answered. The entire process was exciting and varied, fully demonstrating their solid safety knowledge foundation and spirit of striving for excellence. After intense competition, the representative team of Workshop 5 won the first prize.

Strengthen safety education and jointly build a safe sea. Through this safety knowledge competition, the majority of cadres and workers have further enhanced their sense of responsibility of "everyone emphasizes safety, always thinks about safety, everything is safe, and safety is essential everywhere", truly understanding the significance of safety production. The safety knowledge competition has come to a successful end, but the pace of mastering safety knowledge never stops. Next, the company will continue to carry out safety knowledge education activities, effectively integrating safety knowledge into actual production, preventing all safety accidents, and ensuring the continuous stability of the company's production situation, promoting the orderly operation of the company's production and operation.

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Carry out a series of themed activities to welcome the Dragon Boat Festival

Carry out a series of themed activities to welcome the Dragon Boat Festival


The Dragon Boat Festival is here, and the zongzi leaves are fragrant again. In order to better utilize traditional festivals to promote China's excellent traditional culture, cultivate national spirit, inherit and promote China's excellent traditional virtues, and enrich the spiritual and cultural life of company employees, on June 10th, the labor union and youth league branch of Haihui Environmental Protection Equipment Company jointly organized a series of themed activities to welcome the Dragon Boat Festival.

The activity team of the company prepared food materials such as Zongye, soaked glutinous rice, honey dates and so on in advance, and packed all kinds of love Zongzi for the staff in the restaurant to express their hearts. The volunteers who wrapped Zongzi were in a group of four. They smoothed the leaves, filled in glutinous rice, compacted, sealed, and tied them. Under the ingenious hands of a pair of people, each grain of shiny glutinous rice was wrapped in fragrant zongzi leaves, and then turned into a uniform Zongzi. At the same time, Paper Cuttings, lottery procedures and other links have been set up, and Zongzi, purse and other exquisite gifts have been set up for prizes, so that all cadres and staff can fully participate in the activity, making the whole activity content rich and colorful.

Through this event, employees are allowed to share the joy of the festival, experience the unique charm of traditional culture, inspire the love of families, companies, and countries, create a harmonious working atmosphere, enhance work enthusiasm, and create sustained momentum for striving to achieve "double over half".

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Haihui Environmental Protection Equipment Company organizes and carries out advanced operational methods teaching and practical activities

Haihui Environmental Protection Equipment Company organizes and carries out advanced operational methods teaching and practical activities


In order to accelerate the transformation of innovative achievements in advanced operation methods and increase the implementation of innovative projects, on the morning of June 7th, the labor union and youth league branch of Haihui Environmental Protection Equipment Company jointly organized an advanced operation method teaching and practice activity in the paint spraying workshop. The activity was presided over by Zhao Zhongzhi, the person in charge of the company's labor union, and Che Guiyong, the winner of the "Second Haihui Group Advanced Operation (Service) Law Named after Employees", and representatives of employees from various workshops participated.

During the activity, Che Guiyong used on-site models to share and explain in detail the "Electrostatic Spraying Operation Method for Double Hanging Parts on Belt Conveyor Roller Support" project he completed, including the operation method, process, spraying efficiency, and innovative ideas. The electrostatic spraying operation method of double hanging parts on the upper and lower parts of the carrier roller bracket of the Che Guiyong belt conveyor has achieved a double improvement in the spraying efficiency of the carrier roller bracket. Under the same energy consumption and time state, the equipment utilization rate has been greatly improved, achieving the goal of cost reduction and efficiency increase.

Zhao Zhongzhi summarized this activity and made requirements for how employees can save costs and increase efficiency, improve quality and efficiency, innovate and improve skills in their positions. Firstly, in work, we should underestimate the big picture, not underestimate the small things, be brave enough to show our identity, explore the shining points around us, innovate our thinking, and be flexible and versatile. The second is to continuously improve one's own skills and work quality. Only practice makes perfect can one have good methods and ideas in work, and continuously improve one's professional level. The third is to have new achievements and new responsibilities. Advanced models should lead by example, dare to take on responsibilities, love their work and dedication, continue to strive for excellence, not be arrogant, and create new achievements. Fourthly, employees should actively participate in various activities organized by the group and the company, showcase and exercise themselves in these activities, closely focus on the company's business objectives, actively transmit positive energy, work together to do a good job in various tasks, and promote the development and progress of the company.

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Haihui Environmental Protection Equipment Company launches a safety production month launch ceremony

Haihui Environmental Protection Equipment Company launches a safety production month launch ceremony


On the occasion of the 23rd National Safety Production Month, in order to actively implement the requirements of the 2024 Haihui Group Safety Production Month activity plan, on the morning of June 1st, Haihui Environmental Protection Equipment Company organized a launching ceremony for the "Safety Production Month" for all employees of the company. The meeting was presided over by the company's General Manager, Zhou Jialei.

At the meeting, Zhang Xiangcun, the Director of the Safety Production Department, read out the company's safety production month activity plan. The activities mainly included promoting safety production knowledge, watching safety production warning education videos, identifying hidden dangers around us, conducting comprehensive emergency drills and safety production knowledge competitions, and made specific requirements for the activities.

The general manager of the company, Zhou Jialei, has proposed the following requirements in conjunction with the safety production month activity plan.

1、 Strengthen the implementation of safety month activities and improve various management measures. Each department and workshop should implement the safety production monthly activity plan, strictly follow the activity plan, and not make the activities superficial. It is necessary to effectively implement the safety target assessment mechanism and reward and punishment methods, reward the good and punish the bad, establish a three-level safety officer system for the company, workshop, and team, and form a linkage mechanism.

2、 Ensure safety investment and strengthen management foundation. To timely implement various safety protection facilities and measures, establish a strict facility inspection system, do a good job in daily maintenance and upkeep, ensure the effective operation of fire-fighting, emergency and other equipment and facilities, and be able to use them in a timely manner in case of emergencies.

3、 Highlight the investigation of hidden dangers and strengthen the management of hidden dangers. Each workshop team should strictly carry out hazard investigation according to requirements, highlight equipment failures and personnel violations, eliminate safety hazards in work, and prevent unsafe behaviors from occurring.

4、 Strengthen all staff training and enhance safety knowledge. The Safety Production Department should strengthen safety training in all aspects and carry out different training methods for new and old employees. New employees should pay attention to three-level safety training and education, while old employees should conduct more specialized training, strengthen safety awareness from typical accident cases and warning education, and continuously improve the safety knowledge and skills of all employees.

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