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Haihui Environmental Protection Equipment Company is a leader in the environmental protection industry


Haihui Environmental Protection Equipment Company is a leader in the environmental protection industry


Haihui Environmental Protection's products have always been based on the fields of atmosphere, water, soil, VOCs treatment, material transportation, solid waste disposal, and resource recycling. With "transformation and innovation" as the entry point, they aim for high-end, intelligent, and green directions. From research and development to production, from installation to operation, they have embarked on a green, low-carbon, and transformational development path that can be referenced. The company's environmentally friendly dust removal equipment, intelligent conveying equipment and other products are in a leading position in the market, with strong technical level, production scale, and comprehensive market service capabilities.

The company is increasing strategic cooperation with research institutions, targeting new processes, technologies, and materials in the industry, with a focus on research and development in intelligent control of multi-source air pollutants, intelligent transportation of bulk materials, environmentally friendly filter materials, and new materials for desulfurization and denitrification. We are addressing shortcomings and forging strengths, focusing on building a comprehensive and comprehensive environmental governance smart platform, and comprehensively improving the refinement and intelligence level of ecological and environmental management, We will firmly pursue the path of green, low-carbon, and high-quality development, and contribute new strength to the breakthrough of Juxian County and the construction of a modern and strong county Introduction by Zhou Jialei, General Manager of Haihui Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd.

Haihui Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. is a service provider for dust removal, desulfurization and denitrification, water treatment, and overall conveyor solutions. We focus on the research and development and production of environmental protection equipment and conveyors, and have a comprehensive quality inspection system and service team, allowing you to choose worry free. Phone: 0633-7889001 0633-7770082.